
Prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes
Prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes

prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes

Once you get to the Baron's Way part of town, head south and then keep your eyes peeled for a ladder that you might be able to lower. As it's not a part of the main campaign quest, or any of the many side missions in the game, it can be tricky to find. The next safe to have a rummage around is located in Baron's Way South. Or you can just cheat and use the combination 3-1-4 to get inside and bag Unique Loot (3/9) - Soul of the Automaton for yourself. The first is written on the back of the mechanical man, the second is on the metal skull that's on the chair, and the third is simply a case of trial-and-error.

prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes

The three different parts to the combination are located all around this area. You'll find this safe inside the Workshop while you're playing through the Dust to Dust mission. The safe contains Miss Scarlett's Hand Mirror, the item you need to complete this side job. If you'd rather just get at the goodies right away, use this code: 8-2-4. Use your Focus ability if you're struggling to make it out in the gloom. The safe you're looking for is over on the southern wall, and you can get the combination to the lock by looking inside the cabinet by the northern wall, on the right-hand side. He's very easy to take down, so knock him out and then get up on to the house's main floor. When you enter the premises, Miss Scarlett herself will be fast asleep, but keep a close eye out for her father who checks in on her frequently. Leave your hideout to enter Clock Tower Plaza, then find Miss Scarlett's Town House over by the Clock Tower Bookbinders.

prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes

You can only gain access to this safe by accepting the special side mission called Basso's Beauty Within - you won't encounter the location while playing the game's main campaign. Side Job: Beauty Within safe - Miss Scarlett's Town House


Use this combination code on the safe behind the painting, and you'll be able to loot Unique Loot (2/9) - Lyegrove's Jeweled Mask. If you examine this document, you'll find the code you need for the safe: 7-3-9.

prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes

It's up to you whether you want to knock him out or just cause a distraction, but either way you'll have to get your hands on a document called Lygrove's Letter - you'll find it on the workstation he's toiling away at. Once you're in, make your way downstairs and into the basement where the Jeweler's tinkering away. You'll have to infiltrate this shop as part of the main campaign quest, so you shouldn't have any trouble getting inside. You'll find this safe tucked away behind a painting inside the Jeweler's Shop. We cooked Sloop from Thief Chapter 1: Lockdown safe - Serendi Jeweler's Cellar If you're struggling to complete a collection, take a look through our easy reference guide to unlocking every last safe in the game. While a lot of the game's special loot can be found tucked away in crawl spaces and hidden rooms, the most valuable items are locked up safely - or so the owner thought - inside these safes. That's where this section of the guide comes in. There's a total of twelve special safes to be unlocked in the world of Thief, and laying your hands on the right code can often be a case of fumbling through documents that you'd really rather not read.

Prototype 2 cheats xbox 360 codes